Study Party

Wherein the author shares her ignorance and endeavors to correct it in what is hoped to be an entertaining fashion.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Inferno: the beginning

I've just finished 'Chapter One: Poland Betrayed' of Hasting's Inferno. Feels like I'm off to a good start, considering that before now I didn't really know anything about the start of the war, Poland's involvement, or other countries' attitudes. It's fairly disgusting. Germany wanted to conquer Poland, and Russia would  let that happen if it got a hefty chunk of the territory for itself. Although they didn't want to be partners, the two countries made a non-aggression agreement. England and France did next to nothing even though they'd formally promised via treaties to defend Poland against Germany in the event of an attack. Poland fell in less than a month, with the western part under German control and the east under Russia's. The "Allies" just basically hemmed and hawed and went about their lives with a casual, "Well, there's nothing to be done now, is there? There's no more Poland to defend. What a shame." Plus, Hitler went straight to carting off & killing Polish Jews asap after splitting the country with Russia. What an asshole. All of this makes me want to visit Poland, particularly Warsaw. 

[That was written a few days ago, but it felt incomplete. By now I'm halfway through Chapter Two.] 

Anyway, reading about WWII is like finally reading the book when I've already watched the movie version of something. I mean, I've seen plenty of WWII films already, and I actually, you know, live in this world, so... I know Poland is its own country, I know Russia fought Hitler, I know we ended things by bombing the absolute shit out of Japan. But in life, as in film, I expect 'the book' to be a totally new experience. It doesn't matter that I know how it ends; I'm still eager to see how we got there. In my current ignorance, WWII is like the Holocaust + Pearl Harbor + Normandy + Atomic bombs = we win. That's shameful. I need to see the steps from point A to Z. I need to know why everyone did what they did. The book so far is great - and I'm still happily geeking out. That's right, you heard me. Reading military/world history doesn't feel like being back in school, but it feels like I'm finally educating myself. And that's a good feeling.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

In Preparation of Geeking Out on World War II

    I'm beginning a rough independent study of WWII. I've read some books and watched even more movies, but have made no real, concerted effort to truly know my shit as regards this subject. Now's the time. I just bought me a lovely 650-page history called Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945 by Max Hastings, a man who's studied all aspects of WWII for over 35 years. Supposedly it's both completely informative and enjoyable to read. We'll see.  
    A hobby of mine has been making predictions about habits that I mean to form and then failing miserably, so I make no guarantees, but here's the plan:

Every week, I'll read a chapter or two of Inferno and report back to you ('you' meaning the entire internet, obviously) about what I'm learning and any thoughts or feels that may have inspired. Same goes for any other materials I investigate, be they movies, plays, fiction, nonfiction, songs, poems, or interviews with veterans such as my grandfather. I don't actually expect regular readership for such a topic. This is mostly for my own enjoyment and the general improvement of my mind. That said, I will be open to recommendations as to what things other people like on the subject. 

That's it for now, I suppose, not having started the book yet. And when I say 'every week'.... meh. Maybe a regular day will surface naturally, but I'm not going to set one on the calendar. The goal is for this to be as fun as studying WWII can possibly be! Yay. Party time.